Description: |
Hides or shows a window with special effects |
Syntax: |
external.AnimateWindow(time, flags) |
Return: |
none |
Context: |
Javascript/VBScript |
Description: |
Opens a dialog box for the user to select a folder |
Syntax: |
external.BrowserForFolder(title, flags) |
Return: |
string|null |
Context: |
Javascript/VBScript |
Description: |
Closes the current window |
Syntax: |
external.CloseWindow() |
Return: |
none |
Context: |
Javascript/VBScript |
Description: |
Exits the application |
Syntax: |
external.ExitProgram() |
Return: |
none |
Context: |
Javascript/VBScript |
Description: |
Opens a dialog box where the user can select a file for opening |
Syntax: |
external.GetOpenFileName(title, initial-path, filters) |
Return: |
filepath|null |
Context: |
Javascript/VBScript |
Description: |
Opens a dialog box where the user can select a file to save data to |
Syntax: |
external.GetSaveFileName(title, initial-path, filters) |
Return: |
filepath|null |
Context: |
Javascript/VBScript |
Description: |
Returns the current connection status |
Syntax: |
external.InternetGetConnectedState() |
Return: |
integer |
Context: |
Javascript/VBScript |
Description: |
Attempts to establish a dial-up connection |
Syntax: |
external.InternetAutodial() |
Return: |
boolean |
Context: |
Javascript/VBScript |
Description: |
Closes the activate dial-up connection |
Syntax: |
external.InternetAutodialHangup() |
Return: |
boolean |
Context: |
Javascript/VBScript |
Description: |
Prompts the user to go online if the computer is in offline mode |
Syntax: |
external.InternetGoOnline(url) |
Return: |
boolean |
Context: |
Javascript/VBScript |
Description: |
Displays a standard message box |
Syntax: |
external.MessageBox(message, title, flags) |
Return: |
integer |
Context: |
Javascript/VBScript |
flags coresponds to the last parameter to the Win32 function MessageBox(). It is an OR-ed combination of the following:
MB_OK | 0x00000000 |
MB_OKCANCEL | 0x00000000 |
MB_OK | 0x00000001 |
MB_YESNOCANCEL | 0x00000003 |
MB_YESNO | 0x00000004 |
MB_RETRYCANCEL | 0x00000005 |
MB_ICONHAND | 0x00000010 |
MB_ICONQUESTION | 0x00000020 |
MB_ICONASTERISK | 0x00000040 |
MB_DEFBUTTON1 | 0x00000000 |
MB_DEFBUTTON2 | 0x00000100 |
MB_DEFBUTTON3 | 0x00000200 |
The returned value can be one of the following:
IDOK | 1 |
IDYES | 6 |
IDNO | 7 |
These constants are not actually defined. You must supply the actual values. Please refer to the linked MSDN page for more information.
Description: |
Displays a standard message box |
Syntax: |
external.ShellExecute(operation, filepath) |
Return: |
boolean |
Context: |
Javascript/VBScript |
Description: |
Changes a window's display state |
Syntax: |
external.ShowWindow(state) |
Return: |
boolean |
Context: |
Javascript/VBScript |
Description: |
Start moving the window base on the movement of the mouse cursor |
Syntax: |
external.StartMovingWindow() |
Return: |
none |
Context: |
Javascript/VBScript |